Unlocking Potential, Empowering Innovation.

Welcome to the Untapped Talent Foundation

Empowering Neurdiverse Individuals, Veterans, Returning Employees, and First Nations People


Our Mission.

To bridge the gap between exceptional, yet untapped talent and the meaningful employment opportunities they deserve.

We stand for the neurodiverse, the veterans, the returning employees focusing on women, and the First Nations people - those who have historically been side lined by the conventional pathways to employment.

Creating a world where every individual has the opportunity to achieve their full potential in the workplace.
— Prof. Paul Watters

Our Initiatives.


Training and Education Programs: Customised training and resources to equip our communities with the skills needed for today's job market.


Employment Placement Services: We partner with forward-thinking businesses to ensure a diverse and inclusive workforce that thrives on the unique talents of our communities.


Advocacy and Awareness Campaigns: Driving change in workplace policies and culture to foster a more inclusive society.


Mentorship and Support Networks: Building networks of support and mentorship to guide individuals through their professional journey.

Together, we’re rewriting the narrative of inclusivity and empowerment.
— Carolyn Burr

Join us in Creating Change.


The Untapped Talent Foundation is more than an organisation; it’s a movement towards a more inclusive and equitable society.

Through a partnership with the Untapped Talent Foundation, organisations can make a commitment to craft a future where everyone is given the chance to shine.


Building bridges, breaking barriers, and cultivating a society where everyone flourishes.
— Michael Fieldhouse

Our Board.


Carolyn Burr



Michael Fieldhouse


Paul Watters